
Web3/Blockchain Projects

Multi-Faction DAO

A DAO used to govern a game which contains multiple factions. Each faction gets one vote and that vote is determined by how members of that faction vote. Each faction is represented by a specific token id/type in an ERC-1155 contract. The contracts are based on OpenZeppelin’s Governor contract, and make the necessary adjustments to use ERC-1155 tokens for voting.

Simple Maker

Simple Maker is a simplified version of the Maker protocol built using Foundry. It supports the collateralization of tokens, vault manipulation, borrowing of Dai, stability fees and collateral auctions. It is highly inspired by the DSS code base of the Maker Protocol. It takes a different approach with coding standards including the use of inheritance and more intuitive naming.

Layer Two Token (In Progress)

A custom token which has been deployed to three different layer two networks: Polygon, Arbitrum and Optimism.

Other Projects


A Blazor WebAssembly app which consumes the Poke API to create a pokedex.